Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chainsaw Maid - Most Violent Clay Animation

Brutal clay animation that start out slow but quickly turns into a blood bath as the faithful maid tries to fend off zombies and took a last resort of wielding a chainsaw. Entertaining piece of work as clay never looked so violent until this came along.

Chainsaw Maid clay animation with 1 videoclip after the jump.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Astro Boy Art Created From Recycled Train Tickets

A 3.2 by 2.1 meter pixel art of Astro Boy made from 138,000 recycled Tokyo Metro tickets by volunteers was on display at the Shinjuku Takashima Store to mark the opening of Tokyo’s new Fukutoshin subway line.

The Astro Boy art was a follow up of four reproductions of world famous paintings using 320,000 train tickets end of last year by employees at the Takashimaya Department Store in Osaka. The employees actually sacrificed their breaks and free time for three months to complete Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa one of the famous painting rendition.

3 more pics of the Astro Boy art made of 138,000 recycled train tickets after the jump.

Source: Pink Tentacle

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Unlucky Rabbit Becomes Heron’s Meal

Herons are not known for preying small mammals but these intelligent birds are known to adapt flexibility in their feeding habits and in this case the cutesy bunny just got unlucky.

The little rabbit was drowned in the water which also makes the rabbit more slippery to down into the heron’s throat. It’s interesting to see the cycle of life in nature but its pretty disturbing to see birds that should be eating fish taking a taste of small land mammals. Perhaps the photographer should have rescued it instead of just observing but then again the heron would probably just look for another prey.

3 more pics of the unlucky rabbit.

Source: Eyje

Friday, July 3, 2009

Transport For London Awareness Test Advert

This is an advert for Transport For London cycling safety. Take the awareness test and see if you can count how many passes the team in white makes! The result can be pretty surprising.

1 videoclip of awareness test from Transport For London.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Optimus Prime Giant Statue

Optimus Prime seems to be pretty popular in Yunnan, China where his images can
be seen from truck doors to t-shirts and badges. In a quest to find Optimus Prime’s statue after hearing stories about it, the people at Karate Party ventured out to seek the giant robot.

Source: Karate Party